ASW 20 – Series

ASW 20 – Series

The first World Championships for the new FAI 15 m racing class took place in 1978 at Chateauroux, France. With the ASW 20 Schleicher also developed an aircraft for this class which now permitted camber-changing flaps with the 15 m span.

Gerhard Waibel used the new ASW 19 fuselage for this aircraft. It was modified in the root region to accept the new flapped wing as well as adding the flap control kinematics.

The ASW 20 L had a 16.6 m span and was in response to the many pilots who wanted to fly with a greater wingspan on weekends or outside of competitions.

The wing bottom surface was modified for the ASW 20 B and C. In addition, the B-version also had increased water ballast capacity which required strengthening of the wing, fuselage and fins.

Technical Data

 Muster / Type ASW 20 (L)
 Klasse / Class FAI 15 m
 Sitze / Seats 1
 Erstflug / Maiden flight 27.01.1977
 Herstellungszeitraum / Production period 1977 – 1983
 Stückzahl / Number of pieces 511
 Konstrukteuer / Designer Gerhard Waibel
 Spannweite / Span 15.0 m (16.6 m)
 Rumpflänge / Fuselage length 6.82 m
 Höhe / Height 1.45 m
 Flügelfläche / Wing area 10.5 m² (11.05 m²)
 Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio 21.43 (24.9)
 Flügelprofil / Airfoil FX 62-K-131 mod. / FX 60-126
 Leermasse / Empty weight 255 kg (260 kg)
 Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight 454 kg (380 kg)
 Wasserballast / Water ballast 120 l (0)
 Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load 43.2 kg/m² (34.4 kg/m²)
 Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink 0.59 m/s (0.55 m/s)
 Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio 42 (45.5)


 Muster / Type ASW 20 B (BL)
 Herstellungszeitraum / Production period 1983 – 1990
 Stückzahl / Number of pieces 83
 Konstrukteuer / Designer Gerhard Waibel
 Spannweite / Span 15.0 m (16.59 m)
 Flügelfläche / Wing area 10.5 m² (11.01 m²)
 Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio 21.43 (25.02)
 Flügelprofil / Airfoil FX62-K-131 mod. / FX60-126 mod.
 Leermasse / Empty weight 270 kg (275 kg)
 Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight 525 kg (430 kg)
 Wasserballast / Water ballast 150 l (100 l)
 Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load 50 kg/m² (39 kg/m²)
 Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink 0.59 m/s (0.55 m/s)
 Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio 43.5 (46)


 Muster / Type ASW 20 C (CL)
 Herstellungszeitraum / Production period 1983 – 1990
 Stückzahl / Number of pieces 171
 Leermasse / Empty weight 260 kg (265 kg)
 Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight 454 kg (380 kg)
 Wasserballast / Water ballast 110 l (50 l)
 Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load 43.2 kg/m² (34.4 kg/m²)
 Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink 0.59 m/s (0.55 m/s)
 Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio 43.5 (46)

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