All aircraft since 1951

Welcome to the gallery of all Schleicher aircraft designed and manufactured since the re-start in 1951.

Photos, three-side-views, polars and technical data provide an impression of the rapid developments in sailplane construction. The short descriptions have mainly been taken or adapted from the Schleicher book “Rhön-Adler”.


F GAL 000 2 Grunau Baby III 006 Grunau Baby III 1951 – 1955 Edmund Schneider
F GAL 000 1 ES 49 001 ES 49 1951 – 1953 Edmund Schneider
F GAL 000 4 Rhönlerche I 001 Rhönlerche I 1952 A. Schleicher / L. Krönung
F GAL 000 5 Condor IV 005 Condor IV 1953 – 1954 Heini Dittmar
F GAL 020 007 Ka 2 / Ka 2 b 1953 – 1962 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 040 004 Ka 4 Rhönlerche II 1953 – 1963 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 000 2 Grunau Baby IIb 002 Ewald Grunau Baby IIb 1954 – 1955 Edmund Schneider
F GAL 060 002 Ka 6 Rhönsegler
ab 1956
Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 060 BR 001 Ka 6 B / BR 1957 – 1968
Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 060 CR 001 Selinger Ka 6 CR 1958 – 1968
Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 060 E 001 K 6 E
1965 – 1972 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 070 008 K 7 1956 – 1966 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 080 004 K 8 1957 – 1976 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 100 001 K 10 1963 – 1965 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 110 003 K 11 1964 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 120 001 Wilsch ASW 12
1965 – 1970 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 130 001 ASK 13 1966 – 1980 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 140 001 ASK 14 / K 12 1968 – 1972 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 150 001 ASW 15 / ASW 15 B 1968 – 1976 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 160 001 ASK 16 1971 – 1977 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 170 001 ASW 17 1971 – 1978 Gerhard Waibel
KM_C224e-20160601072906 ASK 18 1974 – 1977 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 190 001 ASW 19 / ASW 19 B 1975 – 1986 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 200 006 Schäfer ASW 20 – Series 1977 – 1990 Gerhard Waibel
21 Kunstflug 017 ASK 21 1979 – 2018
Rudolf Kaiser
ASK 21 B since 2018
R. Kaiser / M. Heide / P. Anklam
21 Mi Flug 007 ASK 21 Mi since 2004 R. Kaiser / M. Greiner
F GAL 220 002 ASW 22 / ASW 22 M 1981 – 1985 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 222 004 AS 22-2 1984 Martin Heide
F GAL 223 005 ASW 22 B / BL 1986 – 2001
Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 226 002 ASW 22 BE / BLE 1986 – 2005 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 230 001 ASK 23 / ASK 23 B 1983 – 2001 Rudolf Kaiser
F GAL 240 010 ASW 24 / ASW 24 B 1987 – 1994 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 248 004 ASW 24 E 1988 – 1993 Gerhard Waibel
F GAL 250 009 Selinger ASH 25 1986 – 2004 Martin Heide
F GAL 258 001 ASH 25 E 1987 – 1994 Martin Heide
F GAL 259 006 ASH 25 M / Mi 1994 – 2004
Martin Heide
26 E 002 ASH 26 E since 1993 Martin Heide
F GAL 270 001 ASW 27 / ASW 27 B 1995 – 2009 Gerhard Waibel
28 Flug 001 ASW 28 2000 – 2018
Gerhard Waibel
ASW 28 B since 2019  
28-18 E Flug 006 ASW 28-18 / E since 2003 G. Waibel / M. Greiner
29 luft 004 ASG 29 / E / Es since 2005 Michael Greiner
30 Mi Luft 002 ASH 30 Mi since 2011 Martin Heide
31 Mi Flug 016 ASH 31 Mi since 2009 Martin Heide
32 Mi Luft Flügelkam 001 ASG 32 / Mi / El since 2014 Michael Greiner
AS 33 from 2019  
AS 34 Me from 2019