K 6 E

K 6 E

The K 6 E is a further development of the Ka 6 CR. The demand for this sailplane was high, despite the minimal success of the K 10 and competition from the new plastic composite sailplanes which had appeared on the market by now.  Consequently, its production reached far into the Schleicher plastic composite era.

It was as late as 1972 that production finally ended mainly due to construction costs, in favour of the ASW 15.


Technical Data

 Muster / Type K 6 E
 Klasse / Class Einsitzer / Single seater
 Erstflug / Maiden flight 1965
 Herstellungszeitraum / Production period 1965 – 1972
 Stückzahl / Number of pieces 388
 Konstrukteuer / Designer Rudolf Kaiser
 Spannweite / Span 15 m
 Rumpflänge / Fuselage length 6.66 m
 Höhe / Height 1.58 m
 Flügelfläche / Wing area 12.4 m²
 Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio 18.1
 Flügelprofil / Airfoil FX 40 mod. / FX 30 mod.
 Leermasse / Empty weight 190 kg
 Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight 300 kg
 Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load 24.2 kg/m²
 Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink 0.71 m/s
 Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio 33

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