Edgar Kremer celebrated 80. birthday
Praise and thanks for our senior company head
During the company holidays we were able to congratulate our senior company head Edgar Kremer on his 80th birthday which he celebrated in the best of health. Many invited guests from within the circle of his family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers and gliding clubs attended this happy event.
Several speakers mentioned his exceptional services to the firm Alexander Schleicher as well as his unbroken and continuing love for soaring. For example, the gradual change to composite manufacturing during the mid-sixties came about largely through his initiative. He was one of the first to realize that the future health of the company was closely tied to this change.
He himself directed his greatest thanks to his wife Hedwig who has always been his biggest supporter for all his endeavors. He was also especially proud to mention that the family owned company is now led by the third generation, their sons Peter and Uli.
We wish our senior head continued good health, happiness and many more wonderful flights in his beloved ASW 22.
Photos: M. Münch