Martin Heide joined Alexander Schleicher Segelflugzeugbau in April 1981. While initially busy with the flight testing of the ASW 22, because of his detailed knowledge of the fs 31 acquired while with the Akaflieg Stuttgart, he sparked a desire for a new super two-seater for Erwin Müller.
With the AS 22-2 Martin Heide began a new era of high performance two-seaters at Schleicher.
With the fuselage front end of the fs 31, the tailplane , the 4-piece wing and 24 m span of the ASW 22, Martin Heide unwittingly created the forerunner of a previously unheard of Open Class sales success.
Technical Data
Muster / Type | AS 22-2 |
Klasse / Class | Offene Klasse / Open class |
Sitze / Seats | 2 |
Erstflug / Maiden flight | 20.09.1984 |
Herstellungszeitraum / Production period | 1984 |
Stückzahl / Number of pieces | 1 |
Konstrukteuer / Designer | Martin Heide |
Spannweite / Span | 24.0 m |
Rumpflänge / Fuselage length | 9.0 m |
Höhe / Height | 1.67 m |
Flügelfläche / Wing area | 15.5 m² |
Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio | 37.19 |
Flügelprofil / Airfoil | HQ 17-14.8 / FX 60-126 K 25 |
Leermasse / Empty weight | 462 kg |
Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight | 750 kg |
Wasserballast / Water ballast | 185 l |
Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load | 48.4 kg/m² |
Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio | 56 |