For the production versions of the ASH 25 Martin Heide extended the outer wing of the ASW 22 to 25 m and made it slightly thicker. It was clear that this wing should also be used for the single-seater and the ASW 22 B was born.
In 1987 Ingo Renner began the ASW 22 B world championship victory march. Eight times various pilots became world champions with this sailplane, which was continuously refined with various wingspan versions and winglets.
Technical Data
Muster / Type | ASW 22 B / BL |
Klasse / Class | Offene Klasse / Open class |
Sitze / Seats | 1 |
Erstflug / Maiden flight | April 1986 |
Herstellungszeitraum / Production period | 1986 – 2001 |
Stückzahl / Number of pieces | 9 |
Konstrukteuer / Designer | Gerhard Waibel |
Spannweite / Span | 25.0 m (26.4 m) |
Rumpflänge / Fuselage length | 7.95 m |
Höhe / Height | 1.66 m |
Flügelfläche / Wing area | 16.31 m² (16.67 m²) |
Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio | 38.32 (41.81) |
Flügelprofil / Airfoil | HQ 17-14,38 / DU 84-132 V3 |
Leermasse / Empty weight | 455 kg (459 kg) |
Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight | 750 kg |
Wasserballast / Water ballast | 220 l |
Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load | 46 kg/m² (45 kg/m²) |
Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink | 0.41 m/s |
Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio | 60 (62) |