Following the success of the ASK 21 more and more Schleicher customers indicated a desire for an accompanying single-seat training aircraft.
Consequently, the ASK 23 was given not only a similar cockpit layout, but also very similar flight characteristics and performance. This made it easy to switch from the two-seater to the single-seater.
The ASK 23 B received additional strength reserves by simply reducing the allowed maximum payload while the structure remained unchanged.
The ASK 23 became Rudolf Kaiser’s last design. He retired officially at the end of 1985.
Technical Data
Muster / Type | ASK 23 (B) |
Klasse / Class | Clubklasse / Club class |
Sitze | 1 |
Erstflug / Maiden flight | 20.10.1983 |
Herstellungszeitraum / Production period | 1983 – 2001 |
Stückzahl / Number of pieces | 153 |
Konstrukteuer / Designer | Rudolf Kaiser |
Spannweite / Span | 15.0 m |
Rumpflänge / Fuselage length | 7.05 m |
Höhe / Height | 1.41 m |
Flügelfläche / Wing area | 12.9 m² |
Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio | 17.44 |
Flügelprofil / Airfoil | FX 61-166 / FX 60-126 |
Leermasse / Empty weight | 240 kg |
Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight | 380 (360) kg |
Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load | 29.46 kg/m² (27.9 kg/m²) |
Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink | 0.66 m/s |
Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio | 34 |