Since the design of the ASW 19 fuselage which was also used for the ASW 20, new insights had been made concerning the fuselage shape and wing location on the fuselage. This lead to a completely new design for the ASW 24.
The later ASW 24 B had a minimally modified canopy contour to gain a bit more visibility and improved seating position in the cockpit. In addition, a change was made to the leading edge.
Technical Data
Muster / Type | ASW 24 / ASW 24 B |
Klasse / Class | Standard |
Sitze / Seats | 1 |
Erstflug / Maiden flight | 14.12.1986 |
Herstellungszeitraum / Production period | 1987 – 2094 |
Stückzahl / Number of pieces | 221 |
Konstrukteuer / Designer | Gerhard Waibel |
Spannweite / Span | 15.0 m |
Rumpflänge / Fuselage length | 6.5 m |
Höhe / Height | 1.3 m |
Flügelfläche / Wing area | 10.0 m² |
Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio | 22.5 |
Flügelprofil / Airfoil | DU84 – 158 |
Leermasse / Empty weight | 230 kg |
Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight | 500 kg |
Wasserballast / Water ballast | 155 l |
Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load | 50 kg/m² |
Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink | 0.57 m/s |
Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio | 43.5 |