ASW 27 / ASW 27 B

ASW 27 / ASW 27 B

The ASW 24 had essentially eliminated the performance difference between the standard class and the FAI-15m-class.  This set the stage for Gerhard Waibel to develop a new 15 m flapped sailplane: the ASW 27.  The very low drag fuselage of the ASW 24 received a new tailplane and a new fuselage-wing transition for the flapped wing.

The subsequent ASW 27 B variant received integrated water ballast tanks instead of water bags in the wings, higher winglets from Darlington and a new flap setting of 3a.


Technical Data

 Muster / Type ASW 27 / ASW 27 B
 Klasse / Class FAI 15 m
 Sitze / Seats 1
 Erstflug / Maiden flight 03.04.1995
 Herstellungszeitraum / Production period 1995 – 2009
 Stückzahl / Number of pieces 237
 Konstrukteuer / Designer Gerhard Waibel
 Spannweite / Span 15.0 m
 Rumpflänge / Fuselage length 6.5 m
 Höhe / Height 1.3 m
 Flügelfläche / Wing area 9.0 m²
 Flügelstreckung / Wing aspect ratio 25
 Flügelprofil / Airfoil DU 89 – 134/14
 Leermasse / Empty weight 235 kg
 Höchstflugmasse / Max. weight 500 kg
 Wasserballast 180 l
 Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load 55,5 kg/m²
 Geringstes Sinken / Min. sink 0.5 m/s
 Gleitzahl / Best glide ratio 48

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