Increased processing times for spare parts
Our manufactory never stands still. We are constantly improving to be able to offer you the best gliders and the best service.
With the introduction of a modern ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning), we are relying on forward-looking technology that will take our processes to the next level. It is an important step that will help us to make production, costs and delivery deadlines even more efficient – without losing sight of our perfect craftsmanship.
What is a ERP System?
Compare it to the cockpit of a high-performance glider. All the instruments work together perfectly to support every decision and seamlessly control every process. An ERP system does exactly that: it networks all areas of our business, from warehouse management to spare parts supply and customer communication.
For us, it means optimization that creates more time for the essentials: the production of gliders that meet the highest standards.
But why does it need time?
The introduction of such a system is a balancing act – similar to the development of high-performance airfoils or harmonious aircraft. As a craft business with limited resources, we are currently mastering the challenge of reconciling our ongoing work with the system changeover.
Our warehouse and spare parts sales are currently particularly affected. The processes have to be adapted, tested and perfected. This is tying up capacity and leading to longer waiting times for parts and responses.
Their understanding is our upwind
We know that patience is required – and we are grateful for your support. This transition phase is an important step that will benefit us and you in the future: faster processes, more efficient workflows and even better support.
It’s like building a glider: the preparation is time-consuming, but the end result is something that glides through the air with ease and elegance.