Øyvind Moe: 4708 km in ten days
ASH 31 Mi-Pilot flies from Elverum to Poppenhausen and back
Our Norwegian representative Øyvind Moe recently visited us with his ASH 31 Mi. Not, however, with a car and trailer but only with his aircraft at the most southerly point on his tour of the Baltic Sea. He started from his home airport Elverum in Norway on 31 May 2016.
His ten day tour then took him to Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and finally Germany. After his stay in Poppenhausen, which was also used to do some minor maintenance, he returned to Elverum via Denmark and Sweden.
This added up to a total of 4,299 OLC-kilometers. By measuring the distances directly the total comes to a remarkable 4,708 km. This also shows that Øyvind needed to use the engine relatively infrequently.
With short sentences he describes the individual stations of his trip.
Øyvind Moe’s Foreword:
For most glider pilots the departure airfield and the destination airfield is at the same place except when you unintentionally have an out-landing. When you are comfortable to do cross country tasks of 300-700 km a day and make this a straight flight you will cover a significant distance. This take a little bit more planning, piloting skill and weather understanding. This is touring. With a high performance SLG this is absolutely possible. My plan was a Baltic Sea round trip…
Elverum (NO) – Arvidsjaur (S)
OLC-Distance: 589 km / Direct Distance: 679 km
Øyvind Moe: “A little anxious. What to do? Will I turn back at the Swedish border? No, soaring was great for the most part and I was very focused on reaching the destination without any engine help.”
Arvidsjaur (S) – Kuusamo (FI)
OLC-Distance: 369 km / Direct Distance: 470 km
Øyvind Moe: “Weather was still good for soaring. The predominant weather situation is moving north-east with my route. Heavy rain shower at the destination when I arrived. Making a final glide to the destination airport you have never been before is cool, but also demanding.”
Kuusamo (FI) – Räyskälä (FI)
OLC-Distance: 516 km / Direct Distance: 613 km
Øyvind Moe: “In the last minute I received a rejection of my application to enter Russian airspace, so I made a change to the south instead to the Finnish gliding center. You are specially welcome and you meet a lot of nice people when touring. Sauna in the evening was mandatory.”
Räyskälä (FI) – Ridali (EE)
OLC-Distance: 235 km / Direct Distance: 231 km
Øyvind Moe: “Crossing the sea is always fun. Stopping the engine when the computer shows decent altitude when reaching the shore and a little further to pass the sea breeze zone.”
Ridali (EE) – Suwalki (PL)
OLC-Distance: 410 km / Direct Distance: 445 km
Øyvind Moe: “Three borders to cross. Nice”
Suwalki (PL) – Leszno (PL)
OLC-Distance: 516 km / Direct Distance: 543 km
Øyvind Moe: “Midway from east to west Poland I was lucky to experience wave. No mountains, just flat, but still wave due to an inversion at 1.100 meters altitude with small cumulus and significant wind shift and wind increase.”
This flight of 494.9 km has also been recognized as a Norwegian goal flight record.
Leszno (PL) – Huhnrain, Poppenhausen (D)
OLC-Distance: 425 km / Direct Distance: 488 km
Øyvind Moe: “Almost made it to Huhnrain, but the last few kilometers had to be supported by the engine.”
Huhnrain, Poppenhausen (D) – Flensburg (D)
OLC-Distance: 264 km / Direct Distance: 446 km
Øyvind Moe: “The weather was a bit more demanding, so help from the engine was necessary.”
Flensburg (D) – Alleberg (S)
OLC-Distance: 542 km / Direct Distance: 542 km
Øyvind Moe: “May be the most interesting part, from Germany to Sweden without using the engine. Crossed Storebelt at the absolutely minimum possible altitude. Arrived at the Swedish national gliding center which this week-end hosted large scale models only. I was very welcome with a 1:1 size.”
Alleberg (S) – Elverum (NO)
OLC-Distance: 406 km / Direct Distance: 251 km
Øyvind Moe: “A pleasant last flight of this tour.”
Photos: Manfred Münch / Øyvind Moe