On the last Weekend new National Champions again.
Riccardo Brigliadori, Lubor Kuvik and Petr Krejcirik
Besides excellent placements Schleicher pilots could fetch titles of the National Champion in competitions which ended during this weekend.
For example Petr Krejcirik is the new Czech Open Class Champion of the national championships in Tabor. He flew in his ASW 22 BLE. In the Club class Jan Horak became Vice-champion in his ASW 15.
Lubor Kuvik is the new Slovak Champion in his ASG 29 E. After ten competition days he ranked first at the national championships in Partizánske – Malé Bielice.
In Ferrara ASG 29 pilot Riccardo Brigliadori became new Italian Champion. Davide Schiavotto claimed place three in his ASG 29 E. Close behind him, Peter Hartman, also in an ASG 29 E, took place four.