Roman Mracek wins the Grand Prix in Slovakia
Lubor Kuvik places 2nd. - ASG 29 in front
A challenging and hot week is over for the pilots at the 2017 Slovak Grand Prix in Partizanske. Distances between 250 and 330 km were flown on the seven competition days. Only the last day turned out to be a rest day.
ASG 29 pilot Roman Mracek from the Czech Republic achieved a decisive victory with full points on two days and very good placings on the others.
Slovakian pilot Lubor Kuvik, also flying an ASG 29, placed second overall.
Other ASG 29 pilots placed as follows: Gintas Zube (LT – 4th.), Zdislaw Bednarczuk (PL – 7th.), Petr Krejcirik (CZ – 10th.) and Werner Amann (AT – 11th.)
More information: Sailplane Grand Prix 2017 Slovakia
Photo: SGP