An ASW 12 is Brought Back to Life
Hans-Peter Elkmann Fulfills a Dream from his Youth
Even after 52 years it’s not too late to fulfill a dream. Hans-Peter Elkmann did just that with the purchase of a “legendary” ASW 12. Recently, he sent us a few emotional words about this event which we are happy to publish here. Also, as the manufacturer, we are naturally especially happy about such a nice story and that the ASW 12, a milestone in the company’s history, continues to draw its circles in the sky.
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Growing up as an “airport kid” I was only familiar with the Rhönlerche, ES 49, Doppelraab, L-Spatz and the high performance Ka 6. I couldn’t believe my eyes, when in the summer of 1966 I saw an ASW 12 at the Wasserkuppe. So slender, so elegant, completely in white and equipped for landing only with a brake parachute, it seemed to me to be a UFO from another world.
When Gerhard Waibel made a low pass of less than 5 meter height and was able to climb again in a thermal and flew for another hour, my excitement knew no limits.
As a youth of modest means it appeared to me then that obtaining such a super sailplane would be impossible. But, in 1973 I obtained a glider license and currently have flown 4,500 hours on 30 different types of sailplanes.
Although it had no airbrakes and thus a rather exotic type, the ASW 12 stayed in my dreams. By accident I heard of an ASW 12 which was located at LTB Lindner but had no certificate of airworthiness. In addition, it turned out to be the ASW 12 in which Hans-Werner Grosse had made his record flight to Biarritz in 1972.
After a few telephone calls I was able to convince the owner to re-obtain the certificate of airworthiness and to sell me this fine sailplane.
The C of A renewal took some time and it was almost a year until I was able to pick up the 12 at Lindner’s.
Arriving at the Borghorst airport after a seven hour drive in the most beautiful soaring conditions the next step was obvious: rig the glider and fly!!!
Said and done. At around 6 p.m. my friend Kalle towed me with the Piper Super Cub into the Westphalian sky. After 52 years my youthful dream had been fulfilled!