Employee Honoring 2022
Today we are talking about the heart of our company – OUR EMPLOYEES! Namely, those who have long ensured that our gliders are manufactured to the highest quality and those who take care of the development behind them.
Recognition of good work and loyalty to the company is important and so we celebrated with our jubilarians and farewells and their companions a small party with good food and nice conversations. On this evening we were also happy to congratulate all the jubilarians we were not able to celebrate properly due to the Corona pandemic. We all had a really nice evening and are very happy to gratify our employees on their 25th and 40th work anniversary. Nowadays, only a few people manage 40 years in a company and therefore we are all the more happy.
We took this celebration as an opportunity also to invite again all former employees who have said goodbye during the Corona time in the well-deserved retirement, to thank them again with a small gift for the years of loyalty to the company and good work.
We would like to express our sincere thanks and wish our employees many more good years in the company, and we wish our retirees all the very best for their retirement!
Congratulations on 25 years of employment:
Andreas Stehling (Leitwerksbau)
Roland Ullrich (Motorenbereich)
Dieter Handwerk (Endmontage)
Reinhard Anton (Schlosserei)
Markus Weber (Lager)
Thomas Hohmann (Versand)
Congratulations on 40 years of employment:
Bernhard Detig (Schlosserei)
Hubert Stüß (Schlosserei)
Alfred Vogler (Rumpfbau)
Manfred Münch (Konstruktion)
Dieter Schmitt (Rohbaumontage)
Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement:
Joachim Rieck (Lackiererei, 17 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Harald Herget (Leitwerksbau, 18 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Leo Ritzka (Lackiererei, 28 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Hans-Friedrich Dänner (Prototypenbau, 25 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Ulrich Walter (Schlosserei, 48 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Michael Grösch (Flügelbau, 21 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Erich Vogel (Lackiererei, 46 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Jürgen Schuff (Qualitätssicherung, 47 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Alfred Schmitt (Holmbau, 49 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)
Gosbert Menz (Rumpfbau, 48 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit)